Thursday, April 14, 2011

The End Result

After the Tet Offensive and Nixon's Vietnamization, the Paris Peace agreement was signed and put into affect. Causalities were put into numbers and along with the other realizations. The number of dead had reached 58,148 killed in Vietnam, while other soldiers had become disabled had reached 29,578. Soldiers were also asked if they would serve again if they knew the outcome of the battles and war, 74% of the veterans that were asked, stated that they would serve again along with 91% of them said they were glad they had served in the Vietnam War.

When the U.S. troops left Vietnam, accusations came up of who lost the war, what is going to happen to the workers, what is going to happen now? Accusations of who lost came up across the country as people were asking did we loose the war. People were also asking what was going to happen to the economy due to the massive increase in inflation. With the war costs estimated around 167 billion dollars spent and without a increase in taxation to counter the spending, inflation went into double digits and also putting America into even more debt causing living standards to spiral downward up into the 1990's. The effects of the governments choices led to the countrywide distrust of all government agencies until later years which is now the opposite of the distrust. Even though soldiers had to go through a tough war and a tough home coming, today, we see the remaining veterans as heroes and good soldiers that had to do what they did due to orders. A memorable site that salutes the soldiers that had lost their lives in the war is the Vietnam Veterans memorial that is now one of the most visited site in our Nation's capitol.

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