Thursday, March 31, 2011
Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans and Thank You All for Your Service.
For all those who served in the Vietnam War I would like to say thank you.
The reception you received upon returning home from a brutal, hellish war was unjust and frankly an embarrassment to the American people as a whole.
The United States senate has passed a resolution designating March 30th as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day. This is an something that has been a long time coming.
On March 30th 1973 all U.S. troops withdrew from Vietnam. I was born in June of 1973 and the history of the Vietnam War is as real to me as it must have been to the young adults of that era.
Our soldiers and those that choose to serve and support our military efforts in Vietnam are hero's. All of those young men who never made it home are hero's of the highest caliber.
Again, I wish to thank you all for your service to our country and to apologize for the injustice done to you upon your return home so many years ago.
Tough Time Walking
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The picture that I had chosen shows American soldiers going through the tough terrain to get to the nearest city. During the Vietnam War, American soldiers had to go day by day through some of the toughest terrain they had seen. Soldiers had to watch where they were walking and also had to watch their equipment while walking through wet or muddy terrain. The soldiers had a tough time staying dry and watching out for Vietcong.Soldiers did not want to walk through the jungle and wanted to stay in the base and have a nice desk job.People that were getting drafted did not want to get involved in the war and tried to dodge the draft. The only way people wanted to go over was away from the actual fighting and doing minimal engagement.